Friday, January 2, 2015

HyoLyn's interview for Sportsseoul

Hyorin recently did an interview for sportsseoul, the interview is titled [Interview] "My score of 2014 is 50 points, I want to be a singer and songwriter in the new year." Hyorin SISTAR valued activities with 70 points.Later she mentions that one of her ambitious was  become SISTAR in one of the TOPS groups of girls. Hyorin showed great interest in solo activities and plans to show that side of her more often.

"I think SISTAR had some group activities throughout the whole year, but also the members played individual activities without interruptions.It's not hard physically. I originally got a good physical strength and love the stage. Sometimes it's hard when you have to reduce hours of sleep cuse of the schedule (...) Specifically i take vitamins and drink plenty of water before leaving home. And also all members of SISTAR have good personalities, overflowing energy and give us each other energies, I believe it is by that source of strength for which we can perform a variety of activities throughout the year. Sometimes I wonder about our own power"

About her purposes for the 2015:"There are many things to do. The preparation of a new SISTAR's album, activities with the members, and I would like the opportunity to release my own solo album again. About her last solo album 'Love & Hate', Hyorin said "Unfortunately there were many things I missed on my first solo album. Despite not having completed these shortcomings of the first album, I want to prepare better for the second album. "

In the article, Hyorin mentions his goals as a composer. "I have prepared many songs. I would like to have the opportunity to give  to listen to the fans. However, our company #StarshipEntertainment  preferred popular music to my music, it's not easy to be included on SISTAR's album (laughs).  It is very difficult to compete with the songs of other prestigious composers who wants to give me songs for my album (...)At the end of the year' we have a very busy schedule, and I had to stop my composing. But I have plans to resume and my ultimate goal is to work on my songs. "

When they asked her what's her style of songwriting Hyorin  answered: "Frankly, it's not popular, but very emotional music, something that fits the autumn or winter. Worth making music to help soothe the melancholy feeling. "
The next part of the interview was related to acting .-Other members of SISTAR are also active in acting .- What about Hyorin?.- She answered the question: "I have no greed in acting with exception of music videos or CFs.- If the other three members of SISTAR have a career in acting, I will continue supporting and encouraging them. Instead of acting, I have much greed as a musician. I always thought I should give a better song. Of course, as a group of girls is important visual, but more important is the music you heard from a  singer. I always want to develop in that part." About the CFs , she says: "I do not have much greed in action dramas, movies, etc ... But advertising is very different. (laughs) "Although she does not like acting, she is always ready to work hard and do whatever it takes to do the job.

"What is the goal of SISTAR this new year"? On this, Hyorin is clear:... "The goal is to become a bigger group of girls (being on top) now also increase the quality of music .-
Members should also further develop individual skills, there a lot of things we still need to improve."

Source : sportsseoul/vía. @_sistarpush

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